Monday, November 11, 2013

Meetings ..meetings busy busy


So you are probably wanting to know who my companion is. I think I might play with for a little bit... He is a companion that I have had before. To narrow it down. Elder K... is a zone leader in Goodyear, Elder G... is in Tempe. Elder L..... Elder S. is in Glendale North. So... That leaves just one. I was super surprised when President announced we would be companions! It is Elder B..! My MTC companion! He is such a stud. Love him to death. It is kind of funny to tell people we were companions in the MTC. The usual responses are "I'm sorry"-mostly from the ysa members. Or "wow that is really neat!" So that is pretty exciting. I am excited because last time we worked together we weren't the best teachers at all and we had no idea of what we were doing. So it is going to be nice to see what we can do with our feet under us.

This past week. They changed it so we have four districts in our zone and we go to all of their district meetings. So that was a lot of learning. We also had Stake Coordination, when the zone and district leaders meet with a member of the mission presidency and the stake president and the high councilman over missionary work, and we talk about things we can do to work together. Elder B...., two sisters in our zone, and I also had a great opportunity to sit on a panel in a stake presidents coordinating council, with the area 70. Wow. That was a great experience. Not because we were able to do that, but it gave me a new out look of what I need to be doing and asking ward leaders to help with. It is crazy, because before your mission you hardly ever sit down and discuss things with a bishop or stake president. Now I am having daily and weekly contact with them. Some more blessings the Lord teaches on a mission.

This next week is going to busy as well. I might be able to see snow! We have a mission tour this week with Elder Teh of the 70. We are meeting him with a couple other zones in Sedona. It is like a 2 hour drive from where we are. I haven't had a 2 hour drive in awhile so it is going to be kind of nice. Also Elder Barley and I get to speak in front of the bishops at a meeting on Tuesday. I am kind of nervous about that. They are expecting a lot. 

So ya if you can't tell we have and are having a lot of meetings. It is good though it helps us use the time we have effective and not waste it. Keeps us busy. Yes, I really do like meetings, not because it is a time filler, but I get to see what I can do to improve. Most importantly it helps us see what we can do to help the people we teach. We still have two next weekend. And another on the 14th of Dec. Hopefully more on the way. 

Seems like all of you are busy as well. I can't imagine life without being busy, back home. We were always doing something and going somewhere. Jayson good luck this week. Keep moving and don't get sloppy! Love ya I hope you know that. 

I Love all of you as well! 
Elder Wade    

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